"I have enjoyed greatly the second blooming...
suddenly you find - at the age of 50, say -

that a whole new life has opened
before you."

-Agatha Christie

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Heaven & Nature Sing...

Kitchen Window Sign
I found this cute little sign a few weeks ago at one of my favorite "haunts".  
The Seashore Off of Oahu - Heaven & Nature Meet!!

It was very inexpensive, yet the quote just stopped me in my tracks!  I now have it perched on my kitchen windowsill where I see it all of the time!

Let Heaven and Nature Sing ~ YES ~ Definitely!  

My idea of where Heaven and Nature Sing the loudest is at the SEASHORE!

Let Heaven and Nature Sing OUT LOUD to all of us Seashore Lovers!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Seashells A La Mode...

You know how most people like Pie A La Mode?  Well, I will take Seashells A La Mode any day of the week!  

I get excited about seashells in the same way that some people get excited about food, or clothes!  I just adore them!

I have an excellent variety of seashell jewelry.  You have already heard me talk about my "signature ring", but I have many other favorite pieces that I love as well.

Here is a small sampling of some of my seashell jewelry:

You Like??

3 Seashell Bracelets from Hawaii
Vintage Abalone Clip Earrings
A Scrimshaw Bracelet and 3 Paua Shell Bangles

Vintage Lucite Seashell Bracelet

Friday, September 24, 2010

A Mermaid In Our Midst...

A couple of years ago around this time of the year, our family went to our favorite North Carolina beach destination ~ Oak Island, NC.

While there, my son let his Aunt, Uncle, and cousins transform him into a mermaid on the beach!  He was such a good sport that day, as we all stood around laughing!  I think he looks stunning if I do say so myself!  He has inherited my love of the ocean and coast and I am thrilled with that!

I have always been intrigued by mermaids.  They have always seemed so beautiful and ethereal to me.  I have often thought that I may be "part mermaid" because of just how much I love the ocean!! 

How many of you out there have a "thing" for mermaids? 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Paua Shells...

Yesterday, an old friend of mine and I met at the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC for the afternoon.  If you have never been there, it is a fantastic way to spend the day!

This friend and I had not seen each other in many years, but at one time had been extremely close...  We are both at points in our lives where we can enjoy each other once again....  

Hence, the Paua Shells...  I was TOTALLY surprised when my friend gave me a small package to open.  Inside the package were 3 paua shell bangle bracelets!  I was so touched and found it quite amazing that after all of these years my friend had remembered my love of seashells!

Inside the package was also a paper with some information on the paua shell that I would like to share with you all:

1.  Paua represents the essence of love, as well as inner love and beginning transformation.
2.  With the flowing energy of the sea, paua is excellent for helping one access the subconscious for emotional and artistic inspiration, bringing ideas out of the subconscious and allowing them to take inspirational form.
3.  The continuous rotation of the paua spiral represents everlasting life.

I'm lovin' the Paua Shell and will be happily wearing them daily!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Favorite Things...

Lilypads on Oahu
This morning I was looking over some old files, and I came across a list of "My Favorite Things" that I had composed a few years ago ~ 

Here is the list that I had written down:

Lavender Fields on Maui
The Ocean
Sea Turtles

I do believe that these are INDEED my FAVORITE THINGS!!

How many of these things are your Fave's??

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


One of my very favorite words in the English language is the word:  "stuff".  I just love saying this word!

It is so all inclusive!

As in:  "I have so much stuff to do!" or "I have so much stuff!" or "There is so much stuff going on!"

"STUFF" is what is going on with me right now!  Just "STUFF"!  So, this "stuff" is hindering me from producing fantastic pieces for my blog on a more regular basis!  Dang it!

With that being said, I just want the few people who do take the time to read my "stuff", that I will still be posting, but not on any kind of regular basis.

I will be posting when I do have a good story to tell or item to talk about!

In the meantime, I will still be reading all of your blogs and will continue to leave my comments!

Until next time ~ don't clutter your life with so much "stuff"!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

God is Everywhere...

Out of the mouths of babes...  I remember a story from when my son was 7 or 8 years old.  

We were visiting some friends, and one of the little girls came up to my girl friend and asked her "Aunt Shannon, where is God?"  Well, she just looked at me and said "I will defer this one to Cindy." 

I just sat there and could not decide what to say, as I was thinking "well, he is up in the sky looking down..." , etc...

So, I did not say anything.  I looked at my son and asked "Eric, where is God?"

And I want you to know that without missing a beat, he replied with "God?... God is EVERYWHERE!"

I knew at that moment that he "got it~!"

Have a Happy Week!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

To My Fellow Leo's...

Happy Birthday to all my fellow Leo's out there!  

Tomorrow I will be 52 and Ouch!  Somehow, I am into my 50's - and it has happened so quickly that I have hardly noticed!!

I want to thank God for my excellent health, as well as for all of the wonderful things that he has brought into my life.

I am looking forward to the coming year with much anticipation, hope, and gratitude.

Here's to a FANTASTIC year to all of us Leo's ~


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hawaii 2010 & Johnny Depp...

Well, am back from my 2010 Hawaiian trip and must say that this trip had a nice little added piece of fun to it!!

They are filming parts of the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie in Hawaii at the resort where we stayed!  Since I am a HUGE Johnny Depp fan, this was FANTASTIC!

I was able to get a few pics to share:
1.  The Black Pearl docked at the marina next door to where we stayed.
2.  The filming crew on location.
3.  The Deppster on the beach!!

What a HOT guy!!


Monday, July 12, 2010


Tomorrow I am leaving for my trip to Hawaii - the islands of Oahu and Maui to be exact!  I will not be back home until July 27th ~ Oh Yeah!

The photo is of Rabbit Island off the coast of Oahu ~ the water is gorgeous!  

To me, the Hawaiian Islands are some of the most beautiful places in the world.  

I cannot wait to touch my toes back into the Hawaiian sand!

The photo is the view from my balcony during my last trip to Hawaii ~ awesome memories and fun times!

You know that I will be thinking of everyone while I am there ~  Hawaii, ready or not, here I come!
As they say in Hawaii ~ ALOHA!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Vintage Objet d'art...

I think that my love of seashells must go even further back than I had originally thought...

My mother had this sewing basket while I was a young girl ~ and I, for whatever reason, was enamored with it!  I'm talking pretty young here - like 4 or 5!  I loved the variety of the seashells and just how beautiful I thought they were.  (see photo of my "cursive writing" as a 4 year old on the inside lid of this basket).

Since my mom always knew how much I loved this sewing basket, when she was ready to "give it up", she gave it to me!  

I absolutely love it and I display it as an objet d'art in my house!  (see photo of maker label).

Isn't it funny how/where your love of ANYTHING develops??

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Holy Mackerel!...

KinA few weeks ago, my soon to be 16 year old son, caught a 30.6 pound King Mackerel while fishing off of  the Oak Island Pier ~ Oak Island, NC. 
(Click on photo)

What an exciting catch for him, as this was his first King Mackerel Tournament!  His picture even made The State Port Pilot ~ the local Southport, NC  newspaper!

This boy always seems to be in the right place at the right time!  I am so happy for his (up to now) good fortune in life!

I CANNOT WAIT to see his future "catches" in life! :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Signature Piece...

Everyone should have a "Signature Piece".

A "signature piece" is an item that you wear consistently that is distinct and unique to you.  It says a little something about YOU ~ your personality or lifestyle.

My "signature piece" is a seashell ring that I found during my last trip to Hawaii.  
(Click on photo)

 I am telling you the God's honest truth that not a single day goes by that I do not receive at least one comment about my ring!  

If I had a dollar for every comment that I have received since I began wearing my ring regularly, I would have a nice little stash of cash!

I am heading back to Hawaii in a few weeks and my eyes will be peeled for any other pieces that may qualify to have such a title in my wardrobe!

Find your "Signature Piece" and make it YOUR OWN!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Totally Coastal...

I am a "totally coastal" type of girl!

That is how I am going to describe myself whenever I am asked to do that from here on out. ~

I gravitate toward anything that conjures up a "coastal" feeling ~ whether it is the clothes that I wear, my jewelry, or my home decor.

I am so fortunate to be living in a place and have such good friends that allow me to visit coastal areas such as the North Carolina beaches and Charleston, South Carolina on a regular basis! These places inspire me to no end!

In a few weeks I will be heading back to Hawaii ~ yet another one of my very favorite coastal destinations!! I cannot wait to get there!

That place is the ULTIMATE coastal experience for me!! The color of the ocean and the scenery there is beyond comparison!

Here's to us "Totally Coastal" girls ~ Oh, Yeah!!

Peace Out!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Ocean...

- John F. Kennedy, 1962
I absolutely love the ocean and beach - always have - since a young girl. As a result, my love of seashells developed while I was a young girl as well. My favorite times have always taken place while I have been around the ocean and beach. To me, all of the sights and sounds are so soothing and relaxing. I don’t even care how hot it gets or how hard the sun is beating down on me - I just love it!

I guess that is why it is upsetting me to see what is taking place in the Gulf of Mexico right now with the BP oil spill. I cannot stand to see the ecological damage that is taking place. It breaks my heart. I truly hope that the area will be able to be restored.

I do not want to get political, so that is all I am going to say on this subject!

Here's to my fellow WaterBabes ~ Cheers!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Sweet little boy of mine...

However, not so little anymore - but still knows how to be charmingly sweet as he quickly approaches his first milestone of 16!

So hard for me to believe. Time passes much too quickly - but our memories will always be there.

I hope and pray that I have imprinted as many happy memories on his brain as there are seashells on the beach, so that when he reaches the reality of adulthood, he will always have those happy memories to go back to and he will feel safe and warm and loved.

I get teary eyed thinking of his baby days, but I also look forward to his future and to everything that I know he will become!

Dear God,
Please bless this boy and keep him safe from harm each day!
Thank You,
His Mom


As Woody Allen says to Diane Keaton in the movie Annie Hall, "A relationship is like a shark - it has to keep moving or it dies." - every relationship needs to continually evolve.

I finally realize that I must become responsible for the changes that I would like to see in order to keep my relationships alive, active, and moving forward - just like a shark!

By becoming responsible, I am not allowing myself to be a victim of fate, but can move things in the direction of my choice.

Relationships can be tough, but by acting rather than waiting, I will automatically feel less resentful and will feel empowered to the possibility of how great my relationships can be.

So - here's to the shark~ Let's Go Get 'em!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Mind...

I stumbled across the following quote about a year ago, and it really resonated with me...

"The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven" - John Miller, English poet - from "Paradise Lost".

Since finding this quote, I have really tried to remember it whenever I think that things aren't quite the way I had planned, or when I am feeling down.

You truly are in charge of your own mind set. NOBODY can make you feel anything other than what you allow them to do. You are in complete control!

What a GREAT feeling to know that you can always feel HEAVENLY!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Age Is Just A Number...

Here I am at 51 years old - right on the brink of 52 - and I have got to say that I don't know if I have ever felt younger in my life!
In the past, I have read so many articles written by women over 50 saying such a thing and wondered if I could feel that way too... Well, I do and it is absolutely wonderful!

Something about being at a "place" where you can pretty much live the way you want to live - being around people and doing things that make you feel alive and fulfilled and happy is totally AGE DEFYING!

And I realize that in the scheme of things, I am not really considered "that old", but 50 is some sort of a mile-marker for your life... It is a great time to regroup and start anew - which is exactly what I am doing and it feels so good!

I am so thankful to be in such excellent health and feeling great!

Age is truly just a number - SO - Enjoy Yourself!!!