"I have enjoyed greatly the second blooming...
suddenly you find - at the age of 50, say -

that a whole new life has opened
before you."

-Agatha Christie

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Holy Mackerel!...

KinA few weeks ago, my soon to be 16 year old son, caught a 30.6 pound King Mackerel while fishing off of  the Oak Island Pier ~ Oak Island, NC. 
(Click on photo)

What an exciting catch for him, as this was his first King Mackerel Tournament!  His picture even made The State Port Pilot ~ the local Southport, NC  newspaper!

This boy always seems to be in the right place at the right time!  I am so happy for his (up to now) good fortune in life!

I CANNOT WAIT to see his future "catches" in life! :)


  1. Wow! You must be SO proud! It amazing how much of a "man" he has become. I am proud for you. What a great story! *hugs*

  2. Cindy, first, welcome to blogging! Thanks for stopping by so I could come & meet you too. Have fun with it, it's been a blast for me.

    How great for your son to catch that big fish. My hubby loves to fish too & would be so excited about that.

    Love your coastal inspiration too, I adore the beach too & seashells.

  3. Way to go! That's a big fish. My brother and his son fish a lot off of that pier. I don't think they have ever caught anything that big. Carla
